Saturday, May 5, 2012


 Our resident handy man, all around good guy Les, is always bringing us amazing new pieces for the shop! Lately he likes to pop in and drop off these striking 20th century refurbished industrial spot lights, turned lamps. Honestly we couldn't be more thrilled! Mounted on antique wood surveying tripods, cloth covered cords and hidden switches, these lights have had a complete make over from their previous lives!
We can't wait to see what Les brings us next!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hartfield Picnic..

Visions of outdoor Spring dinners have been floating around in our heads ever since this airy whisper linen table cloth from Bella Notte drifted into our store. Envision fresh mint lemonade, figs with soft brie, long dresses and parasols...all in all something straight out of a Jane Austen novel. We think we'll keep in the window display a little longer and maybe our Mr. Knightly will see it and wander in.
To brighter Spring days and high romance...